Saturday, December 15, 2012


Christmas are coming very quickly, carolls are playing in every mall, while we're in panic looking for presents for every single relative, even though we haven't seen him for ten years.
I sometimes feel, like presents became more like an obligation - something we have to buy, not to insult people we sometimes don't even know. As my mum said "Oh, we have to buy something for Maria. And it has to be expensive, so she wouldn't take offence...". I don't think this is how should the Christmas go...
A present should be something you really want to make the other one happy about. Not something you HAVE to buy, because someone's said so. But of course, there is the other page of view, people who say that Christmas are just about the happines and the atmosphere of being with your family, that you shouldn't give something so materialistic as presents.
Ok, of course... But! I think, that most people couldn't imagine Christmas without presents and these materialistic things.  So couldn't I! Because I honestly love getting presents... And what's wrong about it? I just like to think, that someone took the work to find something what would make me happy.

Anyway, is there anyone who still does his Christmas list? :3 Everyone says that it's abnormal, but honestly - if you're on this blog, you probably won't be normal : 3 (For example: I've written two Christmas lists this year - The second one was adressed to The Doctor, so he could finally come to take me to the whole time and space - tell me about madness, please :D)

Maybe you ask, what would I want? Well, let's see:

1) The "geeky things" (As my brother says) - anything with Doctor (my mum said she WILL NOT buy me Doctor's sonic screwdriver and she doesn't seem she's had thought it over...), Sherlock, Harry Potter,  comics , my favourite films on DVDs, PC games...

2) Books!! I still hope for some Sherlock Holmes stories, E.A.Poe's books, maybe some Sheakespeare or Oscar Wilde (I'd love to try it...). But what would I really want is this: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. Anyone who's read it?

3) Of course, some clothes. Shirts, skirts, tights, accesories...  I don't normally have enought money to buy clothes for myself, so I hope for some for Christmas.

And what do you want? Do you still write your Christmas list? Or have you simply read The Night Circus? Comment!

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