Sunday, August 5, 2012

Me going Throught the Looking glass

 "How would you like to live in Looking-glass House, Kitty? I wonder if they'd give you milk, there? Perhaps Looking-glass milk isn't good to drink -- but oh, Kitty! now we come to the passage. You can just see a little peep of the passage in Looking-glass House, if you leave the door of our passage as far as you can see, only you know it may be quite different on beyond. Oh, Kitty! how nice it would be if we could only get through into Looking-glass House! I'm sure it's got, oh! such beautiful things in it! Let's pretend there's a way of getting through into it somehow, Kitty. Let's pretend the glass has got soft like gauze, so that we can get through." - Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll

Maybe this told you, why did I name my blog like this. I always pretend like there is a chance to get throught the Looking-Glass, never stop dreaming.
And that's what should be found here - my dreams. My dreams, my thoughts, my opinions or just me.
Sometimes fashion, sometimes stories, who knows...

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