Sunday, December 23, 2012

Neil Gaiman's Coraline - The most amazing nightmare

I read this book, when I was in 4th class on primary school and I took it as a brilliant horror story and a fairy tale in the same moment. But nothing more.
When I saw the movie after long time, I finally realised everything - It is the most amazing nigtmare, you could ever have.

Neil Gaiman - Coraline

The story is named after the main character - Coraline Jones, who moves with her parents to a new house. She is a very creative and adventurous person, with a great and original taste in everything, but the reality wants it a little bit diffrent - Coraline has to be like anybody else, wear boring grey clothes and mainly - stay in this old, boring house... But what if she could escape the reality?

She finds tiny door, leading to another place. Another house. Another life, with another parents - The other parents.

Everything in the other world is incredibly beautiful and Neil gives us many breath taking sceneries, born in his imagination. You wish Coraline would never leave it - nothing is grey, old or boring - The other world is colorful, full of adventures and surprises - Just perfect for our Coraline.

What could go wrong? Coraline is living her dream and finds a great escape from reality. But the dream suddenly becomes dark....

There is a nightmare behind all this beauty - a trap for our little heroine. Coraline has to play a game for her and her family's lives - Everything that used to be beautiful takes its real form and shows us the true...

Amazing story, tickling and teasing our imagination, but also making us scared and worried about Coraline's life.


 If you haven't read or seen it, maybe you shold try it and let me know what you think! Or have you read/seen it already?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hobbit: The Unexpected journey

The event of the year I was looking forward to, since I've first heard about it - The Hobbit movie(s).
And when I first saw the trailer, I just couldn't wait for it (But of course, it was a long time before the movies came to cinemas, so it didn't mean very much.)

 At the beggining - just in case someone doesn't know what is the story about: A hobbit called Bilbo Baggins lives his peaceful and placid life, until the group of dwarves comes to his door (Namely Kili, Fili, Balin, Dwalin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Oin, Gloin, Nori, Dori, Ori and Thorin, their king.) and he goes with them to an imposant adventure - to get back their homeland, The Lonely Mountain.

 The magic atmosphere was going throught the whole movie and many times I was just staring at the screen with my mouth open (like when they went to the Rivendell). This movie is marvelous and brilliant, but let's be honest - I am a huge fantasy fan and thi is not a film for anyone...

If you are wondering about going to see this, GO. If you are a fantasy mind as me, you're gonna love it, if not... At least you will have some opinion.

There are few things I'd like to write about - so watch out for spoilers!

1) The Soundtrack.
 It was simply brilliant, we could even hear some LOTR melodies, which always made me smile... And THE SONGS! "Misty Mountines" gives me chills and goose bums every single time I hear it, "That's what Bibo Baggins hates" makes me laugh and so it did in the cinema (So everyone began to stare at me... But it was worth it. :3 + I have a tendention to sing with the dwarves, what is also not very appropriate.)

2) The "Three films" thing
The first films takes about three hours and there are two more coming... Well, that's a lot. And it's a lot even for me. Jackson follows the book a lot, but he also adds some moments from another books, obviosly just to make the story longer and earn more money - I get it, but I don't really like it...

3) Golum.
Simply - the scenes with Golum made me most scared. I always had strange feelings about him, but here...
The whole time, I was just maniacaly chafing my hands and hiding behind a popcorn. (Yes, I do it... For some reason...) And the riddles? Brilliant.

4) Martin Freeman.
Erm, as I've written in the past ( Here) I'm a Sherlock fan, so this was such a strong experience for me... I have to say he did a great job and I couldn't imagine anyone portaying Bilbo so well.

So - I loved it, but it also has mistakes (For example the lenght and maybe trying to make The Hobbit something more than he is - darker story, more like LOTR. But it's not! It was always more like a mature fairytale...)


Have you seen it already? Did you like it? Comment!

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Christmas are coming very quickly, carolls are playing in every mall, while we're in panic looking for presents for every single relative, even though we haven't seen him for ten years.
I sometimes feel, like presents became more like an obligation - something we have to buy, not to insult people we sometimes don't even know. As my mum said "Oh, we have to buy something for Maria. And it has to be expensive, so she wouldn't take offence...". I don't think this is how should the Christmas go...
A present should be something you really want to make the other one happy about. Not something you HAVE to buy, because someone's said so. But of course, there is the other page of view, people who say that Christmas are just about the happines and the atmosphere of being with your family, that you shouldn't give something so materialistic as presents.
Ok, of course... But! I think, that most people couldn't imagine Christmas without presents and these materialistic things.  So couldn't I! Because I honestly love getting presents... And what's wrong about it? I just like to think, that someone took the work to find something what would make me happy.

Anyway, is there anyone who still does his Christmas list? :3 Everyone says that it's abnormal, but honestly - if you're on this blog, you probably won't be normal : 3 (For example: I've written two Christmas lists this year - The second one was adressed to The Doctor, so he could finally come to take me to the whole time and space - tell me about madness, please :D)

Maybe you ask, what would I want? Well, let's see:

1) The "geeky things" (As my brother says) - anything with Doctor (my mum said she WILL NOT buy me Doctor's sonic screwdriver and she doesn't seem she's had thought it over...), Sherlock, Harry Potter,  comics , my favourite films on DVDs, PC games...

2) Books!! I still hope for some Sherlock Holmes stories, E.A.Poe's books, maybe some Sheakespeare or Oscar Wilde (I'd love to try it...). But what would I really want is this: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. Anyone who's read it?

3) Of course, some clothes. Shirts, skirts, tights, accesories...  I don't normally have enought money to buy clothes for myself, so I hope for some for Christmas.

And what do you want? Do you still write your Christmas list? Or have you simply read The Night Circus? Comment!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Well, I must admit this - I became a huge Sherlock fan something about month ago, but it looks like ages to me.
I am a Tumbler, so of course I already knew, that it is really awesome series, but... I've never actually watched it - Until now. One of my friends is a hard Sherlock fan, so she's been talking about it for ages and I promised her to watch it. Well, I am so glad I did.

It is just brilliant! I love the actors, I love the idea, I love absolutely every single thing about it!
Also - First thing I realised - Most episodes are written by ONE PERSON: Steven Moffat - also known as The Man who killed The Ponds, The man who killed Rose and The man who made me scared of statues. (Yes, I am a WHOVIAN) But even if he did all these things, I am pretty glad he did it.
Because he did it geniously, and (somehow) I was really enjoying my suffering.
(I don't think you can understand, if you're not a Whovian)

So yes, I can say I love the way it's written. I was little scared of this "modern Sherlock" thing, but after watching it, it just looks so... Normal - Like it's meant to be like this.
Next thing I love about it is the music - perfectly chosen for every situation, illustrating the story.
And what about the actors? As I said, love it. (Well, I use that word a lot, don't I?! :3 ) You're gonna adore John (Come on, no one actually says Watson here...) for his humanity and kindness and Sherlock for his enormous charisma. They both go very well together, even though they are complete opposites.
(+ As you may know, if you're a Sherlock fan - There is a huge comunity, that wants Sherlock and Watson together... like a couple. Well, I wouldn't say a word. I'd even say I've always seen them as some kind of a couple, with some sort of platonic, but SOME relationship... They are best friends, but I somehow began to see them as a couple and I had no idea about it... The writers help it a lot, by the way:
   But still, I like the clean relaionship between book John and Sherlock so much... Best friends, nothing more... But nothing less.)

 But what I actually wanted to write about, were the characters from Sherlock. Because honestly - I fell in love with Benedict Cumberbatch the refirement of the characters, mostly Moriarty's. So you may look forward to my Sherlock-Character-Articles - one for each bigger character.

If you haven't watched it - go and watch it, you're gonna love it :3 Little video for you, just to know... What are the series like:  :)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies"

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.” 

-George R.R. Martin, A Dance With Dragons

Last week we had a little fight with my friend, about "What the hell do I see about reading". Because as she said "Reading is boring!"
Honestly, I almost killed her. Because she couldn't understand anything... 
In my opinion, reading is the best way to spend your time. Because when the book is really good and you get into the story... You can feel what the characters feels, you can't look away from the story and when it's over, it continous in your mind.
And it's better than just a movie. Because when you actually can't see the character and you have to imagine it, you always add something yours. Even when in the book is perfectly said how the character looks, it becomes somehow yours. When thousand people read the same story, there will be so many versions of the character. Isn't that beautiful? Because that's what do the books help us for - to expand our imagination and use it! 

That's what the best stories teach us - that the best thing we can do is use our imagination! And THAT is the reason, why there are so many fanfiction stories, because the best stories give us inspiration.
Because people want to live their favourite stories - become a part of it.  
And that's why I think reading is so amazing: it gives you an opportunity to live thousands lives in some fantastic world, it gives you an opportunity to travel the world and still stay in your bedroom.

When I told her about this, she couldn't answer me. She just couldn't. And even if she would, I wouldn't be listening.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Lockshop giveaway

Hey everyone! I would like to tell you about this amazing giveaway on Lockshop:
Ahoj všichni, ráda bych vás upozornila na giveaway na Lockshop-u:

This lovely wig shop offers us this beautiful headband in a giveaway:
Tenhle rozkošný obchod s parukami nabízí soutěž o tuhle čelenku: 
The girl is willing to send this headband over the world, so there is an opportunity even for czech customers. :)
Would you like me to inform you about interesting giveaways?

Slečna je ochotná zaslat čelenku po celém světě a uhradit dopravu, takže možnost i pro české zákazníky :)
Chtěli byste i nadále informace o zajímavých "giveaways"? :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

On the street

Why are people always staring at you, just because you're nicely dressed? Why are they whispering and pointing at you like you're some public attraction (Specially girls in blue jeans and some cheap t-shirt from New Yorker) ?
Why is it OK, to wear blue jeans, but not a skirt? I don't know, maybe I am just weird, when I like to dress up as I want. Maybe they think that girl wearing for example a tie is somehow dangerous and they should quickly warn everyone around, that "They should look at that weird girl there!"
Once even happened to me, that one woman went away from me, when she saw that I wear a bow tie.  I felt like I have some kind of farcy...

I can just hope that in another countries it's better. That they can accept what you wear in England or America  better than here...

Sorry for my emotional... outpouring :3

(The picture of a bow tie from: