Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Well, I must admit this - I became a huge Sherlock fan something about month ago, but it looks like ages to me.
I am a Tumbler, so of course I already knew, that it is really awesome series, but... I've never actually watched it - Until now. One of my friends is a hard Sherlock fan, so she's been talking about it for ages and I promised her to watch it. Well, I am so glad I did.

It is just brilliant! I love the actors, I love the idea, I love absolutely every single thing about it!
Also - First thing I realised - Most episodes are written by ONE PERSON: Steven Moffat - also known as The Man who killed The Ponds, The man who killed Rose and The man who made me scared of statues. (Yes, I am a WHOVIAN) But even if he did all these things, I am pretty glad he did it.
Because he did it geniously, and (somehow) I was really enjoying my suffering.
(I don't think you can understand, if you're not a Whovian)

So yes, I can say I love the way it's written. I was little scared of this "modern Sherlock" thing, but after watching it, it just looks so... Normal - Like it's meant to be like this.
Next thing I love about it is the music - perfectly chosen for every situation, illustrating the story.
And what about the actors? As I said, love it. (Well, I use that word a lot, don't I?! :3 ) You're gonna adore John (Come on, no one actually says Watson here...) for his humanity and kindness and Sherlock for his enormous charisma. They both go very well together, even though they are complete opposites.
(+ As you may know, if you're a Sherlock fan - There is a huge comunity, that wants Sherlock and Watson together... like a couple. Well, I wouldn't say a word. I'd even say I've always seen them as some kind of a couple, with some sort of platonic, but SOME relationship... They are best friends, but I somehow began to see them as a couple and I had no idea about it... The writers help it a lot, by the way:
   But still, I like the clean relaionship between book John and Sherlock so much... Best friends, nothing more... But nothing less.)

 But what I actually wanted to write about, were the characters from Sherlock. Because honestly - I fell in love with Benedict Cumberbatch the refirement of the characters, mostly Moriarty's. So you may look forward to my Sherlock-Character-Articles - one for each bigger character.

If you haven't watched it - go and watch it, you're gonna love it :3 Little video for you, just to know... What are the series like:  :)